Nerd Stuff. Please ignore.

  • The Android app, Tabs, has been recommended for you

    I’ve been using Tabs and I think you might like it. Check it out from your Android phone:

  • Charity Engine & Boinc

    [tab: About BOINC] As an uber Geek I have a TONNE of computers lying around, and currently have 5 always on, one of which being a webserver.  The always on is the key in this scenario.  My main PC and my Webserver are always on because they are doing something, the others because its handy.  But during…

  • Just found linux Terminal? Here’s some command basics.

    First of your main filing area is found in /home/username/ This is where all files belonging to your account on that machine are stored. If you have a virtual hosting account (an account on a machine that serves webpages) your website is usually visible in the path /home/username/public_html This is where you would put your Word…

  • Teamspeak 3 and Ubuntu Server



    So the clan wanted a TS3 server and given that I have a server set up at home I SSH’d into it and the magic began. To Install TS3 on Ubuntu Server you will need: The latest version of TS3 server edition for your architecture (ie x86 or amd64) here. thats about it 🙂 I…

  • Crontab and backups

    [tab:Why Cron?] Giggyup!  I love anything that can be automated.  I’m not a fan of having to manually perform mindless, brain numbing tasks.  This is post is just a summary of setting up a cron to perform an offsite backup.  The connection to the remote server, public keys and rsync have been covered in a more…

  • Removing all spaces in a file name

    Why would you want to remove spaces in a file name?  Because IT’S ANNOYING! When running scripts or traversing through directories, spaces make life just that little bit more annoying.  Sure not A LOT more annoying, but a little.  I’m a fan of being as least annoyed as I possibly can be, so here’s a…

  • Installed php but didnt add the -curl option? Here’s the quick fix.

    So you have installed php have a development server running, and BAM! … a script has informed you that you require cURL support for it to run… dammit!  You forgot to install cURL didnt you? Never mind, the fix is simple: 1.Install cURL sudo apt-get install php5-curl 2.Edit your php.ini. If you don’t know where…

  • Rsync and error 23

    rsync -a user@host:/dir/to/backup /local/backup/dir/ produces rsync error: some files could not be transferred (code 23) Rsync is an awesome program for maintaining backups, it checks the source against the backup and only transfers the differences. In using it over ssh I came up against error 23 and could not work out why. I could only…

  • New to linux? Don’t know your sudos from your sudonts?

      I came across this app KSystemLog for KDE while looking into configuring my syslog to hang out with my router’s logs. Both my Router/Modem and my Webserver at home email me everytime a port scan or failed log attempt is detected, and rather than have emails and logs all over the place, I wanted…

  • Switching Users in Terminal

    Most people know that to get from being a normal user to root, you can just type su [enter], give the root password and hey presto; you’re now root@somedomain.  But what if I want to switch to another normal account when in terminal?  Same deal.. The only difference is that when you Switch User this…