First of your main filing area is found in
This is where all files belonging to your account on that machine are stored.
If you have a virtual hosting account (an account on a machine that serves webpages) your website is usually visible in the path
This is where you would put your Word Press, Drupal, Joomla installs, or html files, for a site you were building.
Basic Commands:
If you’ve ever used dos this shouldn’t be TOO difficult to grasp. some commands are the same, some similar, some completely different. The biggest difference Windows users will face is the concept of permissions and ownership. This plays a huge role in the functioning of a linux machine.
That aside basic commands are:
cd = change directory.
cd /
will take you to the COMPUTERS root.
cd ~
will take you to a users home folder.
cd ..
will take you to the previous folder (folder ‘above’).
cd ../foldername
will take you to the previous folder and change you into the folder ‘foldername’.
ls = list or the windows equivalent would be dir
ls -l
lists contents with all details.
ls -a
shows all files\folders
cp = copy. syntax is
cp name_of_file_to_copy name_of_file_copy
If you add file paths you can copy from one directory to another.
mv = mv
rm = remove. If removing a directory you must use the switch
rm -R
*********** post incomplete – more to come *************
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