Category: Uncategorized
New to linux? Don’t know your sudos from your sudonts?
I came across this app KSystemLog for KDE while looking into configuring my syslog to hang out with my router’s logs. Both my Router/Modem and my Webserver at home email me everytime a port scan or failed log attempt is detected, and rather than have emails and logs all over the place, I wanted…
What Version of Ubuntu am I running?
To find out what version of Ubuntu you are running just type the below command in Terminal. 😀 lsb_release -a
Backing up sites over ssh using rsync
[tab:Summary] Having multiple sites can be a bitch when it comes to administration and backups. I wanted to create a cron that could be setup when each site went live, as part of the “live process” so that the backups were automated. I also wanted it to be over ssh, and I do like rsync……
scp a key to a remote server for authentication
I have made a key and saved it locally and I want a server to have a copy so they can identify me. I want this to happen so that when I write a script I dont need to keep usernames and passwords in plain text inside the script. It means the script can only…
Mount a remote File System locally
Im using Linux (KDE) and I want to mount my webserver’s home directory to my local machine to make access a little easier. To do this I will be testing out sshfs. These are the instructions I followed, which worked and were easy to follow. They come from Debian Admin # apt-get install ssh Using…
Example Replace Statement in MySQL
Example Replace statement using UPDATE function MySQL for “find and replace” in MySQL. update TABLE_NAME set FIELD_NAME = REPLACE(FIELD_NAME, ‘find this string’, ‘replace found string with this string’);
MYSQL UPGRADE produces error: jtablesession::store failed DB function failed with error number 1146
Joomla 1.5 MSQL Upgrade from ~ 4 to 5 error: jtablesession::store failed DB function failed with error number 1146 Site down with the above error indicating I should use the INSERT Function in MySQL or PHPMyADMIN. no go… next step use the REPAIR function in any place you can type a sql statement. This could…
Joomla Warning: Parameter 2 to frontpage()
This post is completely ripped from Maximilion. I have copied his work for the same reason he made this post to keep this information alive. As you stated below, Maximilion if you would like this taken down, Please let me know. Original Article here. <plagiarism> There must be thousands of webdevs that have at one…
So .. Setting up DNS, nameservers, routers the initial server install and finally webmin .. get excited, have a play around and…. oh crap; I have forgotten my root password for webmin. Never fear, to change the password for a webmin user use the below command: /usr/share/webmin/ /etc/webmin username password If your password has unusual…
Changing the password of a user in Terminal
passwd USERNAME You will be prompted for a new password for the user.