Category: Linux
Connect, SSH & TOR – another guide for the paranoid, and the tinfoil hats.
Uber paranoid? Want to completely hide your tracks when SSH’ing across the planet? You will Need: Connect SSH TOR The Spell: ssh -l username -2 -o ProxyCommand=”/usr/local/bin/connect -4 -S localhost:9050 %h %p” The Guts – what’s doin what? -l says “use this username” -2 says use protocol 2 (dont use 1. Why? SSH1…
Creating an Ubuntu Server with Webmin – Easy Peasy
Install Ubuntu Server: For detailed instructions on performing the base install, just head over to the ubuntu forums. They’re very informative, well presented, and easy to read. If you have any problems, comment below and I’ll see if I can be of any help. Once Ubuntu Server has been installed, login and do an apt-get…
Deny Hosts – Installation and Overview (Paranoid Much? o.O)
Deny Hosts Overview In setting up an ubuntu server, one of the first packages I install is denyhosts. This daemon monitors access attempts to your server and blacklists ip’s whose access has been denied based on variables you determine in the config file. The config file allows you to, among other things, block based on…
Teamspeak 3 and Ubuntu Server
So the clan wanted a TS3 server and given that I have a server set up at home I SSH’d into it and the magic began. To Install TS3 on Ubuntu Server you will need: The latest version of TS3 server edition for your architecture (ie x86 or amd64) here. thats about it 🙂 I…
Crontab and backups
[tab:Why Cron?] Giggyup! I love anything that can be automated. I’m not a fan of having to manually perform mindless, brain numbing tasks. This is post is just a summary of setting up a cron to perform an offsite backup. The connection to the remote server, public keys and rsync have been covered in a more…
Removing all spaces in a file name
Why would you want to remove spaces in a file name? Because IT’S ANNOYING! When running scripts or traversing through directories, spaces make life just that little bit more annoying. Sure not A LOT more annoying, but a little. I’m a fan of being as least annoyed as I possibly can be, so here’s a…
Switching Users in Terminal
Most people know that to get from being a normal user to root, you can just type su [enter], give the root password and hey presto; you’re now root@somedomain. But what if I want to switch to another normal account when in terminal? Same deal.. The only difference is that when you Switch User this…
PhpMyadmin – Export/Import and file size limits
[tab:Scenario]I’m currently working on developing a Business Information Manager using the EPESI BIM framework. It means ALOT of backups in between changes as I don’t use a repository. Its a simple “backup the database and page I’m working on” type scenario. What this means though is that Im constantly faced with Export/Import of SQL files.…
How to get flash working in Ubuntu 11.10
I haven’t investigated Chromium yet, but for Firefox, go to Tools>addons and search for flash-aid. It determines which flash to use based on your OS version. Worked a treat! Flash now works in Ubuntu 11.10 in my Firefox browser.
Connecting to MySQL via MySQL Administrator on a Local Network
I have a dev server rack in my home, and being the geek that I am I have PC’s everywhere throughout my house all networked according to their jobs. My command centre (Office and Gaming centre) is where I do most of my work, but my files and sites are stored on a dev share…