Author: Baz
PhpMyadmin – Export/Import and file size limits
[tab:Scenario]I’m currently working on developing a Business Information Manager using the EPESI BIM framework. It means ALOT of backups in between changes as I don’t use a repository. Its a simple “backup the database and page I’m working on” type scenario. What this means though is that Im constantly faced with Export/Import of SQL files.…
What Version of Ubuntu am I running?
To find out what version of Ubuntu you are running just type the below command in Terminal. 😀 lsb_release -a
How to get flash working in Ubuntu 11.10
I haven’t investigated Chromium yet, but for Firefox, go to Tools>addons and search for flash-aid. It determines which flash to use based on your OS version. Worked a treat! Flash now works in Ubuntu 11.10 in my Firefox browser.
Backing up sites over ssh using rsync
[tab:Summary] Having multiple sites can be a bitch when it comes to administration and backups. I wanted to create a cron that could be setup when each site went live, as part of the “live process” so that the backups were automated. I also wanted it to be over ssh, and I do like rsync……
scp a key to a remote server for authentication
I have made a key and saved it locally and I want a server to have a copy so they can identify me. I want this to happen so that when I write a script I dont need to keep usernames and passwords in plain text inside the script. It means the script can only…
Mount a remote File System locally
Im using Linux (KDE) and I want to mount my webserver’s home directory to my local machine to make access a little easier. To do this I will be testing out sshfs. These are the instructions I followed, which worked and were easy to follow. They come from Debian Admin # apt-get install ssh Using…
Example Replace Statement in MySQL
Example Replace statement using UPDATE function MySQL for “find and replace” in MySQL. update TABLE_NAME set FIELD_NAME = REPLACE(FIELD_NAME, ‘find this string’, ‘replace found string with this string’);
Connecting to MySQL via MySQL Administrator on a Local Network
I have a dev server rack in my home, and being the geek that I am I have PC’s everywhere throughout my house all networked according to their jobs. My command centre (Office and Gaming centre) is where I do most of my work, but my files and sites are stored on a dev share…
MYSQL UPGRADE produces error: jtablesession::store failed DB function failed with error number 1146
Joomla 1.5 MSQL Upgrade from ~ 4 to 5 error: jtablesession::store failed DB function failed with error number 1146 Site down with the above error indicating I should use the INSERT Function in MySQL or PHPMyADMIN. no go… next step use the REPAIR function in any place you can type a sql statement. This could…
Upgrading Joomla 1.015 to 1.5 – the journey
thur 20 Oct 12:20 Commence: BEFORE ATTEMPTING ANYTHING BACKUP EVERYTHING Ok few googles later and here is what I BELIEVE I need to do…. Download the Migration Component here. (Migrator) If you are running 1.013 apply a patch for admin sessions from here. Install Migrator Take note of David Gal’s Joomla! UTF-8 guide. Install 3rd Party…