Uber paranoid? Want to completely hide your tracks when SSH’ing across the planet?
You will Need:
- Connect
The Spell:
ssh -l username -2 xxx.xxx.x.x -o ProxyCommand=”/usr/local/bin/connect -4 -S localhost:9050 %h %p”
The Guts – what’s doin what?
-l says “use this username”
-2 says use protocol 2 (dont use 1. Why? SSH1 is old and prone to man in the middle attacks, among other things)
xxx.xxx.x.x replace this with the target IP address o.O
the -o allows us to pass the commands for connect.
-4 says to connect “please wont you use socks protocol 4? no really… use 4, its not an option!”
-S says use this host name
At the place with the x’s (xxx.xxx.x.x) do NOT use a hostname! Only use an IP address. If you use a host name it will try to resolve BEFORE connecting, which in turn identifies YOUR IP, which is what we are trying to avoid. ONLY USE IP ADDRESSES.
If you do not know the IP you should use tor-resolve to look it up for you.
tor-resolve www.someaddy.com localhost:9050
So there you have it. I canny take credit for this. Original Credit goes to Patrick R. McDonald @ antagonism.org I came across these directions some time ago, but thought I would repost in my own flavour, as I use the function quite a bit for testing Network Penetration. I said Penetration 😉
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